Our bodies and our planet are filled with poisons, so I teach my clients to live by "The Nature Way." What that means is ORGANIC, NATURAL, WHOLE, RAW, LOCAL, and SEASONAL. It means keep life simple and close to nature. Grow your own food if you feel so inclined. Make your home a sacred space of natural beauty. Allow all the elements of Earth to heal and nourish you: sunlight, fresh air, fresh water, earth and her incredible plants, and God.
This is serious, people. What I hear from most people is endless, endless excuses. "I can't afford to be healthy...I don't have enough time...It's too hard..." Endless excuses and complaints.
But I have a lesson that has helped me so much in my own life. No more excuses. Create a list of non-negotiables for your life. For example, here are some non-negotiables that I have established for my own life:
- I only eat organic food. I do not want to eat poison, have poison in my body, or support a way of farming that poisons the land, animals, plants, insects, and kills most life that ingests or touches it.
- I only eat vegan food. I do not want to support torture of animals.
- I eat 90% raw food. Some people would accuse me of making excuses for not being 100% raw, but I have found over the years that I prefer a diet that is 90-100% raw. In winter months, I drink warm teas and love warm broths. Other than that, I am raw.
- I deserve health and my choices will reflect that.
So, grab a pen and paper and list for yourself those things you are deeply passionate about that you would like to consider "non-negotiables" in your life. Again, not to be a militant or rigid extremist. I do not mean this at all. Be fluid, be flexible, but be strong and passionate in your choices and actions - not wimpy.
In my opinion, the choice to eat only organic food is the most important choice for your diet. Pesticide is designed to kill, and it just keeps on killing. And killing. And killing. For generations.
© 2008 Heather Havey
To copy this article, please also copy this link with the article: "Non-Negotiable" by Heather Havey, M.A. or direct people to http://ourbelovedearth.blogspot.com or http://the-nature-way.blogspot.com. Aloha.

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